Thursday, August 20, 2009

Do I Really Love the Rain?

This one is strait from one of my journals from back on May 12, 2009. But I actually kind of wrote it to share with people.


There is a song called I Love the Rain by Rock and Roll Worship Circus that has helped me through some interesting times. I first heard the song in middle school at my old youth group. We sang it in worship and I always loved it. After several years of searching for it in vain, I found the song on Youtube and downloaded it immediately. Its now one of my favorite songs.

Its a pretty simple song with just two verses and a chorus, but the words carry so much meaning. The first verse talks about how when you love someone, the love can become so intense that it makes you cry. It ends by exclaiming that as much as we may love a human, God loves us infinately more.

The chorus presents the analogy that the rain is like tears falling down from the Father's face as an expression of love towards us.

The seocond verse talks about when we mess up and how ashamed we fee. We sometimes wonder if there is anything that will wash that shame away. The chorus presents the answer that the rain, God's tears of love for us, is more than enough to wash away our shame.

For some reason, this analogy really hit me. Maybe its because I live in Washington and we have such a massive amoung of rain here. I always seem to look at the rain as such a bad thing but maybe its not!

There was a night a couple of months ago where I felt horrible and unloved. I had been trying for a long time to be somebody I wasn't. Things had come to a head and I had had a conversation with a friend that really helped me to see how much of a vain, selfish person I could be.

I went to bed that night crying, begging God to restore my heart. I honestly felt ashamed about the life that I was living. Its not like I had been doing 'bad' things like drinking or sleeping around. But I had been showing absolutely no compassion to other people. I was puttig myself and my own needs ahead of everybody elses.

So I went to bed that night and prayed that Christ would re-enter my life and teach me how to love others, how to see their needs and place them before mine. I prayed that God would take away my shame.

As I lay in bed trying to fall asleep, it began to rain pretty hard. I listened to the rain on my window and roof and the words to this song came to mind. At that instant, I knew that God was listening to my cries. He did remove my shame and has really transformed the way that I look at others.

"I love the rain. Its like tears are falling from my Father's face. I love the rain. Tears from up above...thats my Father's love."

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