Friday, October 30, 2009

Urgent Prayer Request

My best friend's sister Ashley is pregnant with twins. She had a miscarriage several months ago and is now in her second pregnancy. She found out this morning that she has a blood clot and has lost one of the babies. The doctors are telling her that if she doesn't abort the other baby, she has a 95% chance of dying. We all know that doctors can be way wrong and we have a great God who is capable of incredible miracles and healing. Please be in prayer for that in this situation. Please be praying that the family grows in their trust and faith in God rather than turns away from Him as so many people do in difficult situations. Its tough to face the idea of death and choose to trust God, but I believe that God has a purpose for this whole situation.


  1. oh my word.
    I almost fell over.
    this seriously shocked me, you can bet I'll be praying hard.
    and I'm posting this to more of my friends in the cyber-world, so there will definitely be many people praying.
    wooww.. what a scary scary situation. :[

  2. Hey, an update on this. Both of the babies were actually still alive but way behind in development and pretty much had no chance of survival. The doctors wanted her to have an abortion but she decided against it. On Saturday night, she lost both of the babies. She is going to be okay, but has a lot of healing to do.
